My poor little blog, I'm sorry I've forsaken you! Some time ago I made the transition over to Tumblr. If anyone out there is still alive and would like to follow me, here I am.

The Nerdy and Fashionable Compulsions of a Suburban Trapped Girl
I have always been more interested in seeing what someone looks like when she is dressing up just because than when she is dressing up because she knows someone is going to take her photo.
In addition to being great for people-watching, street style blogs are also an excellent way to track trends. Recently I’ve noticed one that looks so good, I can’t get it out of my head.
Scrunched socks! I’ve noticed my fare share of cool-looking ladies wearing them. With boots, with heels, with bare legs, over tights or with pants, it feels so fresh and new (and warm too!)"