The Nerdy and Fashionable Compulsions of a Suburban Trapped Girl
If you look at Animal Collective's latest album cover it appears to be moving in waves, but if you concentrate on and squint your eyes just so one of the green footballs it appears to be still. Faaaaaccinating. And wonderfully random;)
"(CNN) -- Was it a theft? A prank? A roundabout effort to bring some holiday cheer to the police? Authorities in Harwich, Massachusetts, are probing the mysterious appearance of a piano, in good working condition, in the middle of the woods. Officer Derek Dutra of the Harwich Police Department examines the mystery piano in the Massachusetts woods. Discovered by a woman who was walking a trail, the Baldwin Acrosonic piano, model number 987, is intact -- and, apparently, in tune. Sgt. Adam Hutton of the Harwich Police Department said information has been broadcast to all the other police departments in the Cape Cod area in hopes of drumming up a clue, however minor it may be. But so far, the investigation is flat. Also of note: Near the mystery piano -- serial number 733746 -- was a bench, positioned as though someone was about to play. The piano was at the end of a dirt road, near a walking path to a footbridge in the middle of conservation land near the Cape. It took a handful of police to move the piano into a vehicle to transport it to storage, so it would appear that putting it into the woods took more than one person. Don't Miss WCVB: No claim on found piano Asked whether Harwich police will be holding a holiday party in the storage bay -- tickling the ivories, pouring eggnog -- while they await word of the piano's origin and fate, Hutton laughed. No such plans. Harwich police have had some fun, though. Among the photos they sent to the news media is one of Officer Derek Dutra examining the piano in the woods. The police entitled the photo "Liberace." " By Josh Levs
(via IndieMuse.com)
I like to think that someone just brought their piano out into the middle of the woods so they could play to themself and the trees. It's something I would do if 1) I had a piano and 2) I could actually move it. It's a very romantic thing to do I think. Imagine the owner's surprise when they return to their secret santuary and find their prized piano missing. Did the police have to remove it? It wasn't doing any harm.
This orange popsicle reminds me of a doll dress that my grandmother made for my mom in the sixties. Hubert de Givenchy, Evening gown, 1963.
A bit more recently, there's this frothy spring/summer dress of 2003 by Alexander McQueen. I don't even want to think about how much it would cost to add this to my wardrobe, though.
This looks like something Blair Waldorf would wear, no? Madeleine Vionnet, Evening gown, 1939.
Ahhh! The classic red band jacket (although a step up from any modern marching uniform!) This is a scrumptious mix of texture and color. Simply divine!
OMG! COLOUR! I am prepared to MARRY those spicy red boots! The mustard pea coat and the pok-a-dot dress seem so cozy in this foggy landscape that I am in love with this look.
I've been searching everywhere for a good watch on a chain. Urban Outfitter's has a good one.